Instant Duress Alerts.  In app or via the Bluetooth Pendant.

Designed for field workers operating in high-risk environments where an always-on Duress Solution is critical to their safety & well-being.  

Enterprise Grade Peace-of-Mind from $1 per day.

Request a Trial for your organisation today.

Bluetooth Pendant  Duress Alert

Utilises Mobile GPS

Passive tracking allows the app to pinpoint the staff member's location.

IP67 Pendant allows users to immediately notify management in the event of an emergency or impending dangerous situation

1. Open REACH Duress App

4. Alert Received via SkyNet's Secure Servers

2. Press On-Screen Button or Bluetooth Pendant 3 x Times

5. Internal Team Notified via SMS or Email

3. Duress Sent with Location Information

6. Emergency Response Plan Initiated

PLUS Integrate 24/7 Monitoring for 100% Peace-of-Mind

Our Grade A1 level response centres provide an unmatched level of round-the-clock professional monitoring.

As an Enterprise Bureau, SkyNet can ensure that the highest level of security is always a priority and that there is someone at all times looking after the safety of your staff.

These centres comply to Australian Standard AS2201.2

The risk of staff injury / death is too high a risk for employers not to consider as part of their obligations under the Health and Safety Act 2011.


To find out more click below to arrange a trial demonstration for your group

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